Cabinet Bed: features and benefit

January 20, 2022

The words one-bedroom and sometimes two-bedroom apartment most often evoke an unpleasant feeling of limitation, thoughts of folding sofas, and the difficult choice between a full living room and a bedroom. But don’t be categorical, because today’s furniture industry is much more diverse than you might imagine!

To overcome your main fear – the limited and lack of space in the room because of a cumbersome sofa or a wide full bed, one forgets the main thing: today the market is ready to offer you solutions for any difficult situations and one of these options are beds in closets!

Just a few years ago, a bed falling out of the closet seemed like a daring idea or a good fantasy, realized in the movies. But today such items are increasingly seen in the offerings of furniture stores and carpentry stores.

What is a cabinet bed

A spacious sleeping space takes up most of a regular-sized room. This contradiction can be resolved by installing transformer furniture, namely, a folding bed in a cabinet. A closet bed with a sofa in the folded state takes a vertical position close to the wall and almost does not take up space. This is a convenient design for multifunctional rooms, where you have to alternately work, rest, receive guests, do household chores.

Built-in bed variants in the closet are divided into two types: horizontal and vertical reclining. The choice of one or another configuration is depending on the room and place to install the closet bed.

This version of furniture saves considerable space while providing users with a comfortable sleeping place. When folded, the cabinet with bed inside is hidden behind the decorative facades, and if necessary, the construction is quickly transformed into a full bed. When choosing closet beds, you need to pay attention to the quality of materials used and the reliability of the transformation mechanism.

Design and mechanism features

The design of the sleeping system itself is not at all complicated and quite trivially simple, but it has its features:

Mandatory attachment to the wall

The version of such furniture itself is attached to the wall on anchors, which are selected individually for each type of wall. The wall, accordingly, must be strong: brick or concrete. And the choice of anchoring is usually trusted by professionals because the strength of the entire structure in your home depends on it.

Transformation mechanism

The device is technically complex, equipped with gas lifts for easy lifting and smooth lowering. Economic models are popular when it is enough to pull the handle to transform the cabinet into a bed. In daily use, you will have to “raise and lower” the bed 700 times during the year. And gas elevators are designed for at least 20 thousand cycles. As a rule, they are chosen individually for the size and weight of the bed and mattress. When selecting, the balance between the moving and fixed parts is calculated to avoid spontaneous operation.

Bed frame

The orthopedic bed base is a contour made of metal tube, supplemented with elastic bent-glued wood veneer elements and sturdy holders. The wood veneer base is made of spruce, oak, pine, birch, and other types of wood as standard.

Benefits of cabinet bed

Using a variant of such furniture in the interior of your room, it is several incredible advantages and nice additional features. That’s why you should choose the closet bed option if you are still undecided whether you need it:

Saves space

The transforming system of any room into a bedroom saves at least 8 m2 of useful space in your room. We are sure that every homeowner can find a better use for them than cluttering up their rooms with huge beds or sofas.

Comfort of sleep

Let’s face it, the quality of sleep determines how a person feels throughout the day. No matter how expensive and modern the sofa is, it cannot compare to a real orthopedic mattress, which is used in such sleeping arrangements.

Design and style

The design of a closet bed can be modeled with or without a sofa. The sofa can easily become the central accent of the room and emphasize its style and elegance. To create such an effect, the use of bright colors and eye-catching decorative elements is appropriate.

Efficient storage system

Everyone knows very well that there is never enough space for things. You will have at your disposal spaces, where you can place a lot of favorite and useful things, starting from clocks and books up to bed clothes and clothes.

Additional features

A wall bed with cabinets can include additional systems in the form of built-in outlets, extra lighting for the entire room, built-in chargers, and more.

Operating rules

Manufacturers specify the maximum weight and height of the mattress on each product, and they do so for a reason. It is part of the design, acts as ballast, and keeps the sleeping space horizontal. If you use a heavier mattress, the gas lifts don’t have enough power to hold the beds in cabinets in the folded position. If, however, the ballast is removed, the base itself will retract into the closet.

Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to remove the mattress alone. At this point, the other must firmly hold the base by the footboard to prevent folding.

Of course, the metal mechanisms will wear out over time or require maintenance, so it is advisable to check the overall condition of the bed every six months and of course to lubricate the lifting mechanisms with a special lubricant.

Published On: January 20, 2022Categories: Blog923 wordsViews: 16771